One A Day is hosted by Carole atGingerbread Girl and on Ravelry.
It's been a while since I've done a One A Day post. In part that is because I believe I have crochet ADD. I have been flitting from one project to another. I keep getting ideas for new things and I just have to start them immediately. While I love having the ideas and seeing all the colorful items - I haven't been completing anything. This bums me out and I decided last night that I can't keep doing this so I pulled out the giant Granny square afghan I had started for mu husband and I. This morning I took a couple of photos of it and I do quite like it.
These are the nine colors I'm using for the afghan and I'm about one third done with it. I had wanted to have it done by the end of March but obviously that isn't going to happen now. Hopefully, by doing one color per day, I'll have it done by mid April. That would be fine with me. It's fairly light weight so we could still use it for a while before it gets too hot.