Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday's Tallies - One-a-Day

I am so excited to have a new One-a-Day project to share.  This ia an afghan that I am making someone -who shall remain nameless for the foreseeable future - for Christmas.  I'm pretty certain that said someone does not even know about, let alone read, this blog.  Still, to be safe, no names.  Just pictures of the progress:

This photo has turned out rather odd.  The squares are all the same size, at six rounds each.  I have no idea why they look like different sizes.  It's probably the way I took the picture.

This looks like I'm making a scarf rather than a blanket.  It's meant to show a close up of the colors, though.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A new One-a-Day Project

I've started a new One-a-Day project.  I know it's not Tuesday, but I'm excited to show it off a bit.  This is the start of an afghan that is going to be a Christmas gift.  I'm positive the people that it's for don't know a thing about my little blog here but still, no names mentioned.  So, here are the first few squares:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

100 Days Until Christmas

I can not believe that it is only 100 days until Christmas! I know the time is going to fly by, too.  I have several afghans in the works to give to family.  Fortunately, all but two of them are begun.  I am going to HAVE to work on them a little each day if I want to complete them, though.  Life is so busy and seems to get busier and more filled with responsibility each day.  Not that I'm complainig.  I am very grateful for my life.  I just can not believe that Christmas is in 100 days and it feels like there is so much to do! Oh well, at least I'm aware of my time and trying to get it done.